A Guide to Sinus Surgery in SG When Medication Is Not Enough

Sinus problems, characterized by inflammation and congestion in the sinus cavities, can significantly impact your daily life. While medication often provides relief, in some cases, a sinus operation becomes necessary to restore proper drainage and alleviate persistent symptoms.

Understanding Different Types of Sinus Issues

The sinuses are air-filled cavities located around the face and behind the eyes. When healthy, they produce mucus that helps trap dust and germs, keeping them from entering the lungs. However, various factors can cause inflammation of the sinus lining, leading to a blockage that traps mucus and creates a breeding ground for bacteria. This results in a spectrum of sinus issues:

Acute Sinusitis: A short-term infection of the sinuses that typically lasts less than 8 weeks and responds well to medication.

Chronic Sinusitis: Inflammation lasting longer than 12 weeks, characterized by persistent congestion, facial pressure, headaches, and postnasal drip.

Allergic Rhinitis: Hay fever causing inflammation in the nasal passages, often accompanied by sinus congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

Sinus Polyps: Non-cancerous growths in the lining of the sinuses that can obstruct drainage and worsen symptoms.

Septal Deviation: A misaligned nasal septum that can obstruct airflow and contribute to sinus problems.

Nasal Vestibular Stenosis: Narrowing of the nasal openings that can lead to difficulty breathing.

Signs You Might Need a Sinus Operation

While medication and lifestyle modifications are often the first line of defense against sinus issues, some signs indicate the need for a sinus operation:

Persistent Symptoms: Despite medication, your symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks, significantly impacting your daily life.

Antibiotic Resistance: Bacterial infections don’t respond to antibiotic treatment, suggesting a blockage preventing medication from reaching the affected area.

Facial Pain and Pressure: Severe and persistent facial pain or pressure that medication fails to alleviate.

Nasal Polyps: Large polyps that obstruct sinus drainage and cause difficulty breathing.

Loss of Smell or Taste: Severe sinus issues can sometimes lead to a diminished sense of smell or taste.

Complications: In rare cases, severe sinusitis can lead to complications like eye problems or bone infections, necessitating surgery.

How Does a Sinus Operation Work?

There are several types of sinus surgery, each suited to address specific sinus issues. Here’s an overview of the most common procedures:

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS): This minimally invasive procedure uses an endoscope (a thin, flexible instrument with a camera) to visualize the sinuses. Tiny surgical instruments are then inserted through the nostrils to remove blockages, widen sinus openings, and improve drainage.

Balloon Sinuplasty: A small balloon catheter is inserted into the blocked sinus opening and inflated to widen the passage and improve drainage.

Image-Guided Surgery: Advanced computer technology guides surgeons during complex procedures, ensuring precise navigation within the sinus cavities.

Open Approach Surgery: In rare cases, a traditional surgical approach through an external incision might be necessary for severe sinus issues or complications.

What to Expect After Sinus Operation?

After sinus surgery, you can expect the following:

Recovery Time: Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery performed. Typically, it takes 1-2 weeks to return to normal activities, with some lingering discomfort like nasal congestion and swelling for a few weeks.

Post-operative Care: Your ENT specialist will provide specific instructions on post-operative care, including pain management, nasal saline irrigation, and medication.

Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor healing, address any complications, and ensure optimal results.

Benefits of Seeking Professional Treatment for Sinus Issues

Ignoring chronic sinus problems can lead to complications. Here’s why seeking professional treatment and considering operation, if necessary, is crucial:

Improved Quality of Life: Effective treatment can significantly improve your quality of life by alleviating persistent symptoms and allowing you to breathe easier.

Reduced Risk of Complications: Early intervention can prevent complications like facial infections or eye problems.

Better Sleep: Chronic sinus issues can disrupt sleep patterns. Addressing the underlying problem can lead to better sleep quality.

Enhanced Sense of Smell and Taste: Severe sinus problems can affect your sense of smell and taste. Surgery can help restore these senses.

Increased Productivity: Chronic sinus issues can impact your focus and productivity. Effective treatment can help you be more productive at work and in daily life.

Things to Consider Before Opting for a Sinus Operation

Discuss All Options with Your ENT Specialist: Thoroughly discuss all treatment options with your ENT specialist, including medication, lifestyle modifications, and minimally invasive procedures like balloon sinuplasty. Surgery should be considered after exhausting other options.

Understand the Risks and Potential Side Effects: No surgery is without risks. Discuss the potential side effects of sinus surgery with your ENT specialist, such as bleeding, infection, and temporary changes in sense of smell or taste.

Be Realistic About Expectations: Sinus operation aims to improve drainage and alleviate symptoms, but it may not completely eliminate them. Discuss realistic expectations for post-operative outcomes with your doctor.

Choose a Qualified ENT Specialist: Experience and expertise are crucial. Opt for a board-certified ENT specialist with a proven track record in successfully performing sinus surgeries.

Manage Your Overall Health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, managing stress, and avoiding irritants like smoke and allergens can contribute to a successful recovery and reduce the risk of future sinus issues.


Sinus surgery can be a valuable tool in managing chronic sinus problems and improving your quality of life. By understanding the different types of sinus issues, recognizing the signs that surgery might be necessary, and carefully considering all aspects before proceeding, you can make an informed decision about your health. Remember, open communication with your ENT specialist is key to achieving optimal outcomes and breathing easier.